Technical Assistance


E.A.D can provide technical assistance in the following areas:


  • Organization of your financial and risk-management functions and processes.
  • Review and optimisation of your current funding and risk-management strategies and costs.
  • Selection of new partners in the banking and insurance communities.
  • Risk-analysis and screening of your trade-finance instruments such as letters of credit and bank guarantees.
  • Optimization of your processes and cost-structure based on Lean Six Sigma techniques.
  • Structuring of your corporate and project presentation files for ensuring that all compliance and regulatory obligations are met.
  • Geographic development strategy.


This list is obviously not exhaustive and E.A.D will always to do its utmost in order to accompany you in your initiatives. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact us

For any questions or appointments, please feel free to contact us by phone or email at :

Phone : +33 633 423571

@ :



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